Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Calculate Age from Date of Birth Using Java Script

In my previous posts, I explained jQuey .toggleClass() Example in ASp.Net, jQuery Draggable Div Example in ASP.Net, Disable cut, copy and paste in textbox using jquery, javascript, Watermark in textbox using JavaScript and many other articles related to jQuery and Java Script.

Here, I am going to explain how to calculate the age of person from data of birth using Java Script. In some cases we need to calculate the age of person . We can calculate the age using Java Script on client side very easily.

SQL Server's CHARINDEX Function

In my previous posts, I explained CHAR Function, ASCII Function, Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued ParametersSQL query result as XML and some other articles related to SQL Server.

Here, I am going to explain CHARINDEX function of SQL Server.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

SQL Server's CHAR Function

In my previous posts, I explained ASCII Function, Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued Parameters and some other articles related to SQL Server. 

Here, I am going to explain the CHAR function of SQL Server.

ASCII Function of SQL Server

In my previous posts, I explained Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued Parameters and some other articles related to SQL Server. Here, I am going to explained ASCII function of SQL Server.

Ascii() Function

This function returns the ASCII code value of leftmost character of character expression.

Monday, February 25, 2013

jQuey .toggleClass() Example in ASp.Net

In previous posts, I explained jQuery Draggable Div Example in ASP.Net, jQuery Resizable Div Example in ASP.Net, Drag and drop HTML list item with in list using jQuery, jQuery Magnifier Example. Here, I will show you a simple example of  .toggleClass() using jQuery in ASP.Net.

jQuery .toggleClass()

.toggleClass() uses for add or remove one or more classes from each element in the set of matched element.
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