Thursday, April 25, 2013

C#- Constructor Chaining in C#

Constructor Chaining
In this post, I am explaining about Constructor Chaining in  C#. I konw this will be taken for granted for those of us who have been working with  C# for a while now but may be a newbie will find this helpful.

In my previous posts, I explained Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script. and SQL Server.

What is Constructor Chaining? 

Constructor chaining is an approch where a constructor calls another contructor in the same class or base class.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How To- Validate Numeric Values only in TextBox using Java Script/jQuery

In this post, I will explain how to validate user to enter only numeric values in TextBox using jQueryJava Script.

In previous posts, I explained Page Scroll to Top with jQuery, Automatically Refresh Page Using Java Script , How to Create a Textarea Character Counter, Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger, Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script, Calculate Age from Date of Birth Using Java Script, jQuery .toggleClass() example and some other articles related to jQuery, Java Script etc.

To validate numeric values in TextBox, we need to write the following jQuery or Java Script function.

How To- Convert a Generic List to a Datatable

Today when I was working I my project, I need to convert the List into a DataTable for some reasons. I goggled it and get some solutions for this. But I get a very good solution Here.So I am posting that solution for my readers.

In my previous posts, I explained Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C#Partial Methods, Contextual KeywordC# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net and SQL Server.

Here,I have not constrained reference type or value type only. We need to take care of both the cases while converting List to DataTable as the underlying type can be both value or reference type.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blogger- Adding Floating Facebook Like Box into Blogger Blog

In my post Adding Facebook Like Box into Blogger Blog, I explained you how you can add Facebook Like box in your blogger blog. This post is the refined version of my previous post. Here I will show you how you can add floating Facebook Like box into you blogger blog.

You can find some more articles related to Blogging, SQL ServerASP.Net, C# and many more. To add floating Facebook like box follow the below procedures.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How To- Get Property Names using Reflection in C#

In this post, I will show you how you can get the name of all properties using Reflection in C#.

In my previous posts, I explained Hard drive information using C#, Create Directory/Folder using C#, Check Internet Connection using C#, SQL Server Database BackUp using C#, Partial Methods, Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server.


Get Property Names-

To get the name of properties of a specific type use Type.GetProper­ties method. This method returns the array of PropertyInfo object. From this object you can find the name of property through PropertyInfo.Name property.
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