Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Understanding ClaimsPrincipal, ClaimsIdentity, and Claim in C#

Understanding ClaimsPrincipal, ClaimsIdentity, and Claim in C#

When developing applications that require user authentication and authorization, managing user identities and their associated information securely is essential. In C#, the classes ClaimsPrincipal, ClaimsIdentity, and Claim in the System.Security.Claims namespace provide a flexible and extensible way to manage user identity data in a claims-based manner.

In this post, we'll explore the concepts of ClaimsPrincipal, ClaimsIdentity, and Claim in C#, and see how they work together to represent and manage user identity information.

Understanding Claims-Based Identity

Before diving into the classes, it’s helpful to understand the concept of claims-based identity. A claim is a statement about a user that provides information about who they are, what they can do, or other relevant attributes. Examples of claims include:

  • The user's email address
  • A role or permission level (like "Admin" or "User")
  • The user's age or country of residence

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Polly in .NET Core: A Guide to Resilience and Fault Handling

Polly in .NET Core

Polly is a .NET library that provides a framework for handling transient faults in an application. It allows developers to implement retry policies, circuit breakers, timeouts, and other fault-handling patterns in a clean, composable, and declarative way. In this post, we'll explore what Polly is, why it’s valuable, and how to use it in .NET Core applications to build resilient, fault-tolerant solutions.

What is Polly?

Polly is an open-source library that enables you to build fault-handling and resilience logic into your applications. It helps you manage faults and unexpected scenarios by providing a range of resilience policies. Polly works seamlessly with .NET Core and can be used across HTTP clients, database calls, message queues, and more. Here are the key policies Polly supports:

  • Retry: Retry a failed operation multiple times before giving up.
  • Circuit Breaker: Stop calling a failing service temporarily to give it time to recover.
  • Timeout: Fail if an operation takes longer than a specified time.
  • Fallback: Provide an alternative response or behavior when an operation fails.
  • Bulkhead Isolation: Limit concurrent executions to avoid resource exhaustion.
  • Cache: Cache responses to avoid repeated calls for the same result.

By combining these policies, Polly enables you to create robust and customizable resilience strategies tailored to your application’s needs.

Why Use Polly?

In any distributed application, you’ll inevitably encounter issues like network instability, service unavailability, or rate limiting. Polly allows you to handle these scenarios without excessive code and helps:

Monday, November 11, 2024

Implementing JWT Authentication in .NET Core

JWT Authentication in .NET Core

JWT (JSON Web Token) is a popular way to implement secure authentication in modern web applications. It provides a lightweight and stateless mechanism to authenticate users, ensuring secure data transfer. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to implement JWT authentication in a C# ASP.NET Core application with a step-by-step example.

What is JWT?

A JWT is a token that is used to securely transmit information between two parties (client and server). It is digitally signed, ensuring that the data it contains can be trusted. JWT consists of three parts:

  1. Header: Specifies the algorithm used to generate the signature, typically HMAC SHA256 or RSA.
  2. Payload: Contains the claims or the data being transmitted (such as user ID, roles, etc.).
  3. Signature: Ensures that the token hasn’t been tampered with.

The general structure looks like this:


Why JWT?

  • Stateless: No need to store sessions on the server.
  • Scalable: The server doesn’t need to store or retrieve session information.
  • Cross-domain: JWT can be easily used across different domains, making it ideal for distributed applications like microservices.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Service Discovery in Microservices with C# and .NET

Service Discovery is a key pattern in microservice architectures, where services need to find each other dynamically. Unlike monolithic applications, where all components are contained within a single executable, microservices are distributed across multiple instances, often across different servers, virtual machines, or containers. Service discovery simplifies the way these services locate one another, allowing for load balancing, failover, and flexibility.

What is Service Discovery?

Service Discovery refers to the process by which services in a distributed system dynamically find each other. Instead of hard-coding the addresses of service instances (which can change in a dynamic environment like Kubernetes), services register themselves with a centralized service registry. Other services query this registry to find the addresses of the services they need to communicate with.

service discovery microservice pattern


  • Scalability: New instances of services can be added dynamically.
  • Load Balancing: Requests can be routed to different instances of the same service.
  • Fault Tolerance: Dead services can be automatically removed from the registry.

Types of Service Discovery:

Client-Side Discovery

In client-side service discovery, the client directly queries the service registry to discover service instances and choose one to send a request to. This method requires the client to implement the logic for discovery and load balancing.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Implementing an API gateway in a .NET Core application

The API Gateway Pattern is a design pattern used in microservices architecture. It acts as a single entry point for clients, managing all interactions between them and the backend services. This pattern simplifies client interactions by encapsulating the complexities of multiple microservices, providing features like request routing, load balancing, caching, and security.

api gateway

Why Use an API Gateway?

  1. Centralized Entry Point: Clients interact with one endpoint rather than multiple services.
  2. Decoupling of Client and Services: The gateway handles communication with services, hiding service details from clients.
  3. Cross-cutting Concerns: It manages functionalities like authentication, logging, rate-limiting, etc., across services.
  4. Load Balancing: Distributes incoming traffic efficiently to backend services.
  5. Security: Acts as a gatekeeper, providing security features like SSL termination and token validation.

Monday, September 16, 2024

What are Microservices?


In today’s fast-paced tech world, businesses need to be agile and responsive to change. One way to achieve this is through the use of microservices. But what exactly are microservices, and why are they so popular?

What Are Microservices?

Microservices is an architectural style in software development where an application is composed of small, independent services, each responsible for a specific function. These services communicate with each other, often via APIs, and work together to fulfill the overall requirements of the application.

Unlike the traditional monolithic architecture, where all components of an application are interconnected and run as a single unit, microservices allow each service to be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This modular approach gives greater flexibility in managing complex applications.

Key Features of Microservices

  1. Independence: Microservices function as independent units, meaning developers can work on different parts of an application simultaneously without causing interference.
  2. Decentralization: Unlike monolithic architectures where a central database manages the entire application, microservices often use decentralized data management. Each service may manage its own database, leading to better autonomy.
  3. Scalability: Since microservices are independently deployable, individual services can be scaled based on demand without scaling the entire system, making resource management more efficient.
  4. Technology Diversity: Teams can use different programming languages, frameworks, or technologies for each service, allowing them to choose the best tools for the job.
  5. Fault Isolation: In a monolithic application, a failure in one part can potentially bring down the entire system. With microservices, a failure in one service doesn't necessarily impact others, leading to increased system resilience.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Memento Design Pattern in C#

The Memento Design Pattern is a Behavioral Design Pattern that can restore an object to its previous state. This pattern is useful for scenarios where you need to perform an undo or rollback operation in your application. The Memento pattern captures an object’s internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later. It is especially useful when implementing undo functionality in an application.

Component of Memento Design Pattern

  1. Originator: The object whose state you want to save or restore.
  2. Memento: Stores the internal state of the Originator. It has two interfaces:
    • Caretaker Interface: This interface provides no access to the internal state of the Memento. It is used by the Caretaker to manage the Memento without modifying it.
    • Originator Interface: This interface allows the Originator to access the Memento to restore its state.
  3. Caretaker: The object that requests the saving and restoring of the Originator’s state.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Iterator Design Pattern in C#

The Iterator Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows sequential access to the elements of an aggregate object (i.e., collection) without exposing its underlying representation. That means using the Iterator Design Pattern, we can access the elements of a collection sequentially without knowing its internal representations. This pattern provides a uniform interface for traversing different data structures.

The collections in C#, like List, ArrayList, Array, etc., are containers containing many objects. In object-oriented programming, the iterator pattern is a design pattern in which an iterator is used to traverse a container and access the elements of the container.

Components of Iterator Pattern

  • Iterator: The interface that defines the methods for traversing the collection.
  • Concrete Iterator: The class that implements the iterator interface and performs the actual traversal.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Interpreter Design Pattern in C#

The Interpreter Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines a grammatical representation for a language and provides an interpreter to deal with this grammar. This pattern is particularly useful for designing simple languages or interpreting expressions.

When to Use the Interpreter Pattern

  • When you have a simple language to interpret.
  • When you need to interpret expressions in a language.
  • When the grammar of the language is relatively simple and stable.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Visitor Design Pattern in C#

The Visitor Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows you to add further operations to objects without having to modify them. It is particularly useful when you have a structure of objects and you want to perform operations on these objects that can be defined outside of their classes. This pattern follows the Open/Closed Principle by allowing new functionality to be added without altering the existing code.

The Visitor Design Pattern should be used when you have distinct and unrelated operations to perform across a structure of objects (element objects). That means the Visitor Design is used to create and perform new operations on a set of objects without changing the object structure or classes.

Components of Visitor Pattern

  1. Visitor Interface: Declares a Visit method for each type of ConcreteElement in the object structure.
  2. ConcreteVisitor: Implements the Visitor interface and defines the actions for each type of ConcreteElement.
  3. Element Interface: Declares an Accept method that takes a Visitor as an argument.
  4. ConcreteElement: Implements the Element interface and defines the Accept method to call the Visitor's method.
  5. Object Structure: Can be a collection or a composite of elements which can be iterated to apply the Visitor.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

State Design Pattern in C#

The State Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. This pattern is particularly useful for implementing state machines and ensuring that the object’s behavior remains manageable and modular.

This pattern is useful when an object needs to go through several states, and its behavior differs for each state. Instead of having conditional statements throughout a class to handle state-specific behaviors, the State Design Pattern delegates this responsibility to individual state classes.

Components of State Desgin Pattern

  1. Context: This is the class that contains an instance of a state and delegates state-specific behavior to the current state object.
  2. State: An interface that encapsulates the behavior associated with a particular state of the Context.
  3. Concrete States: Classes that implement the State interface, each representing a specific state and defining its behavior.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Chain of Responsibility Pattern in C#

The Chain of Responsibility pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows a group of objects to handle a request sequentially, each potentially handling the request or passing it on to the next object in the chain until the request is handled or reaches the end of the chain.

In simple words, we can say that the chain of responsibility design pattern creates a chain of receiver objects for a given request. In this design pattern, normally, each receiver contains a reference to the next receiver. If one receiver cannot handle the request, it passes the same request to the next receiver, and so on. In this case, one receiver can handle the request in the chain, or one or more receivers can handle the request.

Components of Chain of Resposibility Pattern

  1. Handler Interface (or Abstract Class): This defines a common interface for all handlers. It typically includes a method for handling requests and a reference to the next handler in the chain.
  2. Concrete Handlers: These are the actual handlers in the chain. Each handler implements the Handler interface and contains logic to handle requests. If it can't handle a request, it passes it to the next handler in the chain.
  3. Client: This initiates the request and sends it to the first handler in the chain.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Mediator Design Pattern in C#

The Mediator Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that promotes loose coupling between objects by encapsulating how they interact. It centralizes complex communication logic between multiple objects into a mediator object, thus reducing direct dependencies between them. This promotes easier maintenance and scalability of the system.

The Mediator Design Pattern restricts direct communications between the objects and forces them to collaborate only via a mediator object. This pattern is used to centralize complex communications and control between related objects in a system. The Mediator object acts as the communication center for all objects. That means when an object needs to communicate with another object, it does not call the other object directly. Instead, it calls the mediator object, and it is the responsibility of the mediator object to route the message to the destination object.

Components of Mediator Design Pattern

  1. Mediator: Defines an interface for communication between colleague objects.
  2. Colleague: It is an abstract class, and Concrete Colleague classes will implement this abstract class.
  3. ConcreteMediator: Implements the mediator interface, coordinating communication between colleague objects.
  4. ConcreteColleague: Implements the colleague interface and communicates with other colleagues through the mediator.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Template Method Design Pattern in C#

The Template Method Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines the skeleton of an algorithm in the superclass but lets subclasses override specific steps of the algorithm without changing its structure. It allows reusing common behavior across multiple classes while still allowing customization where necessary.

Components of Template Method Design Pattern

  • Abstract Class: This class defines the template method, which is the skeleton of the algorithm. It consists of several abstract methods that subclasses must implement.
  • Concrete Classes: These classes inherit from the abstract class and provide implementations for the abstract methods.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Command Design Pattern in C#

The Command Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that encapsulates a request as an object, thereby allowing parameterization of clients with queues, requests, and operations. This pattern decouples sender and receiver of a request based on a command, which helps in invoking the right method at the right time without knowing the actual implementation details.

Components of Command Design Pattern

  1. Command: Defines an interface for executing an operation.
  2. Concrete Command: Implements the Command interface and binds a receiver with an action. It defines a binding between the action and the receiver.
  3. Invoker: Requests the command to execute the operation.
  4. Receiver: Knows how to perform the operation.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Strategy Design Pattern in C#

The Strategy Design Pattern is a Behavioral Design Pattern that enables selecting an algorithm’s behavior at runtime. Instead of implementing a single algorithm directly, run-time instructions specify which of a family of algorithms to use.

This pattern is ideal when you need to switch between different algorithms or actions in an object dynamically. That means the Strategy Design Pattern is used when we have multiple algorithms (solutions) for a specific task, and the client decides which algorithm to use at runtime.

Components of Strategy Design Pattern

  1. Strategy Interface: This defines a set of methods that represent the algorithms. It acts as a contract for all concrete strategy classes.
  2. Concrete Strategies: These are the actual implementations of the algorithms defined in the strategy interface.
  3. Context: This is the class that uses the strategy. It contains a reference to the strategy interface and can switch between different strategies dynamically.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Observer Design Pattern in C#

The Observer Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines a one-to-many dependency between objects. When one object (the subject) changes its state, all its dependents (observers) are notified and updated automatically. This pattern is widely used in software engineering to establish communication between objects in a loosely coupled manner.

This Design Pattern is widely used for implementing distributed event-handling systems where an object needs to notify other objects about its state changes without knowing who these objects are.

In the Observer Design Pattern, an object (called a Subject) maintains a list of its dependents (called Observers). It notifies them automatically whenever any state changes by calling one of their methods. The Other names of this pattern are Producer/Consumer and Publish/Subscribe.

Components of Bridge Design Pattern

  1. Subject: This is the object that is being observed. It maintains a list of observers and provides methods to attach, detach, and notify observers of state changes.
  2. Observer: This is the interface that defines the method(s) that the subject will use to notify observers of state changes.
  3. ConcreteSubject: This is the concrete implementation of the subject. It maintains the state of interest and notifies observers when changes occur.
  4. ConcreteObserver: This is the concrete implementation of the observer. It registers itself with the subject and implements the update method to react to changes in the subject's state.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Bridge Design Pattern in C#

The Bridge Design Pattern is a structural pattern that separates the abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.This pattern involves an interface that acts as a bridge between the abstraction class and implementer classes. It is useful in scenarios where an abstraction can have several implementations, and you want to separate the implementation details from the abstraction.

Purpose of Bridge Pattern

  • Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
  • Promote code reusability by allowing the abstraction and implementation to evolve independently.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Flyweight Design Pattern in C#

The Flyweight design pattern is a structural pattern that focuses on minimizing the memory footprint or computational expenses of an object. It achieves this by sharing as much as possible with related objects, rather than keeping all of the data in each object. This is particularly useful when dealing with a large number of similar objects, as it helps reduce the overall memory consumption and improves performance.

Purpose of Flyweight Pattern:

  • To reduce the number of objects and to conserve memory by sharing objects among multiple contexts.
  • To achieve performance improvement by minimizing the overhead of creating and managing large numbers of similar objects.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Proxy Design Pattern in C#

The Proxy Design Pattern is a structural design pattern. that provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.

This pattern comes in handy when we want to add an extra layer of control over the access to an object, such as lazy loading, access control, or logging. In C#, the Proxy Design Pattern is commonly used to create a surrogate object that represents another object.

We can also say that the Proxy is the object the client calls to access the real object behind the scene. Proxy means in place of or on behalf of. That means, In the Proxy Design Pattern, a class represents the functionality of another class.

Component of Proxy Design pattern

  • Subject: This is an interface that defines the members that will be implemented by the RealSubject and Proxy class so that the Proxy can be used by the client instead of the RealSubject. In our example, it is the ISharedFolder interface.
  • RealSubject: This is a class that we want to use more efficiently by using the proxy class. This class should implement the Subject Interface. In our example, it is the SharedFolder class.
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