Monday, April 1, 2024

Strategy Design Pattern in C#

The Strategy Design Pattern is a Behavioral Design Pattern that enables selecting an algorithm’s behavior at runtime. Instead of implementing a single algorithm directly, run-time instructions specify which of a family of algorithms to use.

This pattern is ideal when you need to switch between different algorithms or actions in an object dynamically. That means the Strategy Design Pattern is used when we have multiple algorithms (solutions) for a specific task, and the client decides which algorithm to use at runtime.

Components of Strategy Design Pattern

  1. Strategy Interface: This defines a set of methods that represent the algorithms. It acts as a contract for all concrete strategy classes.
  2. Concrete Strategies: These are the actual implementations of the algorithms defined in the strategy interface.
  3. Context: This is the class that uses the strategy. It contains a reference to the strategy interface and can switch between different strategies dynamically.
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