In previous post Return SQL Query Result as XML in SQL Server , I explained For XML clause for getting the query result as XML. I also explained RAW mode of this clause. Today I will explain AUTO mode in FOR XML clause.
Here I have provides meaningful alias name to the tables(EmpName and EmpSalary). These names are used in defining the XML element names. Now take a look at the resultant XML.
As you can see, <SalaryInfo> element is a child element of <Employee>. This structure is based on the order of columns, in which you are define them in your Select statement. In the above query, because Name is the first column in the Select statement so the first element is <Employee> and remaining column which are associated with EmpSalary table, appear next in Select statement, they are added as child element.
To understand this lets see an other example. In this query I have changed the order of the columns.
In the above query, you can see that I have changed the order of column in Select statement. Now I have mentioned Salary as first column and Name after that. Now take a look at the resultant XML.
Now you can see that <Employee> element is the child of <SalaryInfo>.
In addition, the columns and their values are shown as attributes to the table related elements. This is just like you saw in RAW mode in FOR XML clause. here you can also override this default behaviour by using ELEMENTS option like RAW mode.
Now take a look at the resultant XML.
To be continued...
Happy reading!!
The AUTO mode in FOR XML clause is slightly different form RAW mode in the way of generating XML result set. The Auto mode generates the XML based on how the Select satement is define. To understand this look at examples shown below.
Select Employee.Name,
from EmpName as Employee
Inner Join EmpSalary as
on Employee.EmpId=SalaryInfo.EmpID
For XML Auto, Root('Employees')
Here I have provides meaningful alias name to the tables(EmpName and EmpSalary). These names are used in defining the XML element names. Now take a look at the resultant XML.
Salary="10000" />
Salary="12000" />
</Employees>As you can see, <SalaryInfo> element is a child element of <Employee>. This structure is based on the order of columns, in which you are define them in your Select statement. In the above query, because Name is the first column in the Select statement so the first element is <Employee> and remaining column which are associated with EmpSalary table, appear next in Select statement, they are added as child element.
To understand this lets see an other example. In this query I have changed the order of the columns.
Select SalaryInfo.Salary ,Employee.Name
from EmpName as Employee
Inner Join EmpSalary as
on Employee.EmpId=SalaryInfo.EmpID
For XML Auto, Root('Employees')
In the above query, you can see that I have changed the order of column in Select statement. Now I have mentioned Salary as first column and Name after that. Now take a look at the resultant XML.
Name="Ashish" />
Name="Prashant" />
Now you can see that <Employee> element is the child of <SalaryInfo>.
In addition, the columns and their values are shown as attributes to the table related elements. This is just like you saw in RAW mode in FOR XML clause. here you can also override this default behaviour by using ELEMENTS option like RAW mode.
Select Employee.Name,
from EmpName as Employee
Inner Join EmpSalary as
on Employee.EmpId=SalaryInfo.EmpID
For XML Auto, Root('Employees'), Elements
Now take a look at the resultant XML.
To be continued...
Happy reading!!
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