Monday, December 10, 2012

How to delete row in data table?

In ASP.Net, we use the data tables very frequently in our application. Sometimes we need to delete the row from the data table using some filter condition. Today I will show you a simple example to delete the row from your data table based on your condition.
We have a data table structure as showing below in the image:
Data Table Structure
Deleting row in data table:

Now, I want to delete the record in data table where ID is 5.

//select the record from data table where ID is 5

DataRow[] dr=dtTestRecord.Select("ID=5");

//delete the data rows return by Select method of data table

foreach (var row in dr)


Data Table Structure
Creating extension method in data table for row delete:
You can create an extension method in data table for deleting the row. Code for creating extension method is-

public static class DataTableExtensionMethods
        public static DataTable DeleteRow(this DataTable table, string filter)
            return table;
        public static void Delete(this IEnumerable<DataRow> rows)
            foreach (var row in rows)
Data Table Extension method
Happy coding!!

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