Monday, December 25, 2023

IMemoryCache in .NET Core with Example

IMemoryCache in .NET Core

In .NET Core, managing caching efficiently can significantly enhance the performance of applications. The IMemoryCache interface plays a pivotal role in caching data in memory, providing a simple and effective way to store and retrieve cached data within your applications. This post aims to provide an in-depth understanding of IMemoryCache and its implementation with illustrative examples.

What is IMemoryCache?

IMemoryCache is an interface provided by the .NET Core framework, designed to cache data in memory within an application. It enables developers to temporarily store frequently accessed data, reducing the need to fetch it from the original source repeatedly.

Monday, December 18, 2023

What is the difference between IMemoryCache and IDistributedCache?

IMemoryCache and IDistributedCache are both interfaces in ASP.NET Core used for caching data, but they differ in terms of scope and storage.


  • Scope: Local to the application instance.
  • Storage: Caches data in the memory of the local application.
  • Usage: Ideal for scenarios where data needs to be cached within the same application instance and doesn't need to be shared across multiple instances or servers.
  • Pros: Faster access since it operates within the application's memory.
  • Cons: Limited to a single instance and doesn't support sharing data between different instances or servers.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

What is CacheEntryOptions in .NET Core

CacheEntryOptions in .NET Core

Caching plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance and scalability of applications. In .NET Core, MemoryCache class enables storing frequently accessed data in memory, facilitating quick retrieval. To tailor cached item behavior, developers can utilize CacheEntryOptions. This post delves into CacheEntryOptions and its role in customizing caching behavior in .NET core applications.

What are CacheEntryOptions?

CacheEntryOptions, found in the Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory namespace, empowers developers to configure various settings related to cached items in MemoryCache. These options allow control over properties such as expiration time, priority, and post-eviction callbacks for cached items.

Key Properties of CacheEntryOptions

  1. AbsoluteExpiration and AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow:These properties allow specifying when a cached item should expire, either at an absolute time or after a certain duration from its addition to the cache.
  2. SlidingExpiration:SlidingExpiration enables defining a time window after which the cached item expires if not accessed. Each access to the item resets the sliding window.
  3. Priority:CacheEntryOptions lets you set the priority of cached items, affecting their likelihood of being removed from the cache upon expiration or when the cache needs space for new items.
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