Thursday, February 15, 2024

Standalone Components in Angular

Standalone Components in Angular

A standalone component is a type of component that doesn’t belong to any specific Angular module.Before Angular version 14, when you created a component, you typically had to include it in the declaration array of a module; otherwise, Angular would throw an error during compilation.Standalone components are independent units that can be instantiated and used anywhere within an Angular application, regardless of the module structure. Standalone components can be useful for creating reusable UI elements or utility functions that are not specific to any module.

In this post, we'll explore standalone components in Angular and how to create them with a detailed example.

Creating a Standalone Component

First, make sure you're using Angular version 14. To create a component on its own, use the --standalone option with the command ng generate component.

ng g c component_name  --standalone

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Decorators in Angular

Decorators in Angular

There are several important concepts in Angular, and Decorators are an important concept to learn when you are working Angular. Decorators in Angular are a powerful and essential feature used to enhance and modify the behavior of classes, methods, and properties. Through this post we will learn about decorators, its types and how it is being used in real time applications.

What are Decorators?

Decorators are functions that are invoked with a prefixed @ symbol.Basically, a decorator provides configuration metadata that determines how the component, class or a function should be processed, instantiated and used at runtime.Decorators are applied to classes, class properties, and class methods using the following syntax:


Angular comes with several built-in decorators, and you can also create custom decorators to extend or modify the behavior of your application.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Angular17 - Deferred Loading Using Defer Block

Angular17 - Deferred Loading Using Defer Block

Angular 17 recently came out with several exciting has an exciting new feature called deferred loading

Lazy loading is a method that helps web apps load things like scripts only when necessary. Instead of loading everything at the start, it waits to load less important stuff until the user does something like interacting with the page or scrolling to a certain point.

Lazy loading improves the user experience by making the initial page load faster. This means users can begin using the app sooner while the less important parts load quietly in the background. It also decreases the amount of internet data needed and eases the strain on the server.

In earlier versions of Angular, we were able to load a specific part of the application later using the Router, or by using dynamic imports along with ngComponentOutlet.

Angular17 now has a @defer control block enabling lazy-loading of the content of the block. Lazy-loading also applies to the dependencies of the content of the block: all the components, directives and pipes will be lazy-loaded, too.

I will demonstrate the key aspects of lazy loading in Angular 17, such as

  • Using @defer with a logical expression
  • Using @defer with a declarative trigger condition

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Angular 17 : New control flow syntax

Angular17- New control flow

Angular 17 recently came out with several exciting updates. One notable addition is the Control Flow feature. This new feature simplifies template writing by introducing a direct way to handle control flow within the template itself. Now, there's no need to rely on directives like *ngIf, *ngFor, and *ngSwitch for control flow as this new syntax streamlines the process.

This post will demonstrate a basic project using a new control flow method, moving away from the traditional directive-based approach. You can go through my other Angular post here.Let's begin right away!

Angular Project Setup

Before we start using the new feature, let's make sure you have an Angular project set up and ready to go. If you haven't done so yet, create a new Angular project using these commands with the Angular CLI:

npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
ng new ng17-control-flows

This command creates a fresh Angular project, including all the essential files and dependencies with the latest version.

Once it's set up, open the app.component.html file and remove the default Angular code. Let's add a basic HTML structure to it instead.

<h1>NG -17 :New Control Flows</h1>

Conditionally rendered control blocks: @if and @else

Let’s start with the replacement of *ngIf.

In the first example, I create a checkbox and bind it to the isChecked property.Starting with a default value of true, the checkbox appears checked, displaying the content within the @if block.The examples below are from the app.component.html template file:

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Angular - Understanding ReplaySubject in Angular

ReplaySubject in angulars

In this article, we'll delve into the core concepts of ReplaySubject and how it can enhance your Angular applications by granting access to historical data. Regardless of your expertise level, this guide will help you effectively harness the capabilities of ReplaySubject.

Understanding ReplaySubject

At its core, a ReplaySubject is a specialized type of Subject in the RxJS library. Like all Subjects, it serves as both an Observable and an Observer. What sets ReplaySubject apart is its unique ability to buffer a specific number of values and replay them to future subscribers. Think of it as a time-travel device that captures past emissions and shares them with new subscribers.

Key Features and Benefits

1.Time-Travel for Subscribers: Imagine welcoming latecomers to a party who wish to experience the excitement from the beginning. ReplaySubject allows subscribers to access historical data, even if they arrive after the data was emitted.
2.Customizable Buffer Size: ReplaySubject empowers you to determine how many values to store in its buffer. By setting the buffer size during creation, you have control over the amount of historical data you retain.
3.No Initial Value Required: Unlike BehaviorSubject, which mandates an initial value, ReplaySubject doesn't demand this, making it perfect for scenarios where an initial value isn't available.
4.Efficient Caching Mechanism: ReplaySubject can act as an intelligent caching mechanism, ensuring that expensive data requests are made only once. Subsequent subscribers receive cached data instead of triggering new requests.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Understanding Data Sharing Between Angular Components using BehaviorSubject

BehaviorSubject in angulars

In the realm of complex Angular applications, one of the prevalent challenges that developers encounter is the efficient sharing of data among distinct components. Angular offers a potent tool to address this predicament: the 'BehaviorSubject'. This article delves into the practical utilization of 'BehaviorSubject' to facilitate data sharing across components within an Angular application.

What is BehaviorSubject?

In straightforward terms, a 'BehaviorSubject' is a variant of RxJS subject that retains a current value and transmits it to newly subscribing entities. It resembles a conventional 'Subject', but with a pivotal distinction – it constantly holds a value, even when no subscribers are present. When fresh components subscribe to the 'BehaviorSubject', they promptly receive the prevailing value. This characteristic renders it an optimal solution for data sharing that necessitates accessibility and updates across diverse parts of an application.

Establishing the BehaviorSubject

The initial step involves creating an Angular service called 'SharedDataService' to accommodate the shared data and the 'BehaviorSubject'.

// shared-data.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class SharedDataService {
  private dataSubject: BehaviorSubject<string> = new BehaviorSubject<string>('Initial Value');

  public data$ = this.dataSubject.asObservable();

  public updateData(newValue: string): void {;

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Angular : Understanding Subject in Angular for Managing Data Streams

subject in angulars

Subject is a powerful class in Angular, part of RxJS, used to manage asynchronous data streams. It enables you to create an observable and observer simultaneously, simplifying data flow management in your application. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use Subject in Angular:

Step 1: Import the necessary modules Ensure you import the required modules in the component or service where you intend to use Subject.
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
Step 2: Create a Subject instance In your component or service, create a Subject instance by declaring a variable and assigning it a new Subject.
private dataSubject: Subject<any> = new Subject<any>();

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Angular : Transforming Data Using Custom Pipe

custom angular pipes

In Angular, pipes are essential for transforming data in templates. Custom pipes enable you to create personalized logic for data transformation. Let's go through an example of how to create a custom Angular pipe that converts a string to uppercase and adds an exclamation mark at the end.

Step 1: Create a new TypeScript file for the custom pipe:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({ name: 'uppercaseExclamation' })
export class UppercaseExclamationPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: string): string {
    if (!value) {
      return value;
    return value.toUpperCase() + '!';

Monday, July 31, 2023

Introduction to Angular Pipes: Simplifying Data Transformation

Angular pipes

Angular is a robust front-end framework that empowers developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications. Among its key features lies the concept of 'pipes'. You might be curious about what these 'pipes' are and why they hold significance.

In simple terms, Angular pipes are efficient tools that enable you to modify and format data directly within your HTML templates. They take input data, process it, and then display the transformed data. Think of pipes as filters for your data, making it more presentable and user-friendly.

How Pipes Work: Turning Raw Data into Refined Information

Imagine you have raw data that you want to display on your web page, such as a date, a number, or some text. Often, the raw data isn't in the ideal format for presentation, so you need to process it before showing it to the user. This is where pipes come to the rescue.

Using a pipe is straightforward - you add it to an expression in your HTML template, and Angular handles the rest. The basic syntax for using a pipe looks like this:

{{ data | pipeName }}

Here, 'data' represents the input value you want to transform, and 'pipeName' is the specific pipe you want to apply. Angular offers built-in pipes, like 'DatePipe', 'UpperCasePipe', 'LowerCasePipe', and 'CurrencyPipe', which you can use right away. Additionally, you can create custom pipes for more specialized transformations.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Angular TypedForm: Building Strongly Typed Forms in Angular

Angular typed form

Angular is a powerful framework used for developing modern web applications, where forms play a critical role in data processing and user interactions. To ensure a smooth user experience and maintain data integrity, effective handling of form data is essential. Angular provides various mechanisms for form management, and one of the most robust approaches is utilizing Angular TypedForm.

What is Angular TypedForm?

Angular TypedForm is a library specifically designed for Angular that enhances the standard Angular Reactive Forms with strong typing capabilities. This means that you can define your form models using TypeScript interfaces or classes, resulting in more robust and maintainable forms with fewer errors.

Benefits of Angular TypedForm:
1.Type Safety: TypedForm allows you to define the structure of your form data using TypeScript interfaces or classes. By doing so, the form data will adhere to the specified types, preventing runtime errors caused by incorrect data.
2.Code Completion and IntelliSense: Utilizing TypeScript provides the advantage of code autocompletion and IntelliSense in modern code editors. This feature streamlines form development by providing suggestions for available properties and methods of the form model directly from the editor.
3.Refactoring Support: Defining the form model as a TypeScript interface or class makes refactoring more manageable. Any changes, such as renaming or modifying a property in the form model, will be automatically reflected throughout your codebase.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Angular - How to create custom structural directive?

Angular custom structural directive

Creating a custom structural directive in Angular allows you to modify the DOM based on certain conditions, extending the template syntax. Structural directives are identified by the asterisk (*) preceding the directive name in the HTML template. Let's go through the steps to create your own custom structural directive in Angular.

Step 1: Set up the Angular project: Ensure that you have Angular CLI installed. If not, you can install it using npm:
npm install -g @angular/cli
Create a new Angular project:
ng new custom-structural-directive-demo
cd custom-structural-directive-demo
Step 2: Generate the directive: Next, generate a new directive using Angular CLI:
ng generate directive customIf

This generates a new directive file named 'custom-if.directive.ts' in the 'src/app' folder.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Angular - An Introduction to Structural Directives in Angular

Angular structural directive

In post Directive in Angular, we tried to understand what is directive? In this post, we'll explore Structural Directives and understand how they enhance the functionality and flexibility of Angular applications.

What are Structural Directives?

Structural Directives in Angular are a type of directive that modify the layout and structure of the DOM by adding or removing elements based on conditions. Unlike Attribute Directives, which change an element's behavior or appearance, Structural Directives directly impact the DOM's structure. The most commonly used Structural Directives in Angular are 'ngIf', 'ngFor', and 'ngSwitch'.

1. ngIf: The 'ngIf' directive conditionally adds or removes an element from the DOM based on the evaluation of an expression. It proves particularly useful when you need to show or hide specific parts of your template depending on your application's state. Example:
<ng-container *ngIf="isLoggedIn">
  <p>Welcome, {{ username }}!</p>
In this example, the '<p>' element will only be rendered if the 'isLoggedIn' variable is true.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Angular - Understanding ng-template and ng-content in Angular

Angular ng-template and ng-content

In Angular, the features 'ng-template' and 'ng-content' are valuable tools that facilitate the creation of dynamic and reusable components. They significantly contribute to improving code modularity, reusability, and maintainability. Let's explore each of these features to comprehend their importance in Angular development.

1. ng-template:

In Angular, 'ng-template' is a directive that allows the definition of a template block within a component without immediate rendering. It serves as a placeholder for content that can be instantiated later, based on different conditions. Think of it as a blueprint for creating content that will only be activated when explicitly used.

<ng-template #myTemplate>
How to use ng-template:

The true power of 'ng-template' comes into play when used in conjunction with other Angular directives such as 'ngIf', 'ngFor', and custom structural directives. For example, with 'ngIf', you can conditionally render content based on specific logic:

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Angular - Understanding Directives in Angular

Angular directives

Angular is a widely used front-end framework known for its ability to create dynamic web applications. One of its essential features is directives, enabling developers to extend HTML and build reusable components with customized behavior and functionality. In this post, we'll deep dive into what directives are, the various types available in Angular, and how to utilize them efficiently in your projects.

What are Directives?

In Angular, directives serve as markers on DOM elements, instructing Angular's compiler to attach specific behavior or functionality to those elements. They are instrumental in manipulating the DOM, adding or modifying elements, applying styles, handling events, and more. By using directives, you can extend HTML with your own custom attributes or tags, making your code more expressive and easier to maintain.

Types of Directives in Angular

Angular provides three primary types of directives:

  1. Component Directives: Components are the most commonly used type of directive. They are essentially directives that come with an associated template. Components encapsulate the template, styles, and behavior of a specific part of the user interface, acting as reusable building blocks throughout your application.
  2. Attribute Directives: Attribute directives modify the behavior or appearance of existing elements or components. They are used as attributes on elements and are denoted by square brackets, such as '[ngStyle]' or '[ngClass]'. Attribute directives are useful for applying conditional styles, enabling/disabling elements, or performing other transformations on elements.
  3. Structural Directives: Structural directives modify the DOM's structure by adding or removing elements. They are also used as attributes but are denoted by an asterisk ('*') before the directive name. Some examples include '*ngIf', '*ngFor', and '*ngSwitch'. These directives are commonly employed for rendering lists, conditionally displaying content, and handling template rendering.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Angular - Utilizing the @ViewChild Decorator in Angular for Enhanced Component Interaction

Angular viewchild decorator

Angular, a robust web application framework, offers developers a vast array of tools and features to boost productivity. One such feature is the @ViewChild decorator, which facilitates the access of child components, directives, or DOM elements within Angular components. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of @ViewChild and delve into its practical applications for interacting with child elements and components in your Angular applications.

Understanding @ViewChild:

The @ViewChild decorator enables developers to obtain references to child components, directives, or DOM elements residing within the template of a parent component. It grants access to properties and methods of the child component, facilitates interaction with the child directive, and allows direct manipulation of the DOM element.

Syntax: The syntax for implementing the @ViewChild decorator is as follows:
@ViewChild(selector, options) propertyName: Type;
  1. The selector represents the CSS selector or component class used to identify the child element/component.
  2. The options parameter is optional and allows for the specification of additional view query options.

Example 1: Accessing a Child Component

Let's consider a scenario where we have a parent component, ParentComponent, that includes a child component named ChildComponent. To access the child component from the parent component, we can utilize the @ViewChild decorator as illustrated below:

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Angular - Understanding @Input and @Output Decorators

Angular Input and Output

Angular is a widely-used framework for creating web applications, offering powerful features for component-based development. Two important decorators in Angular are '@Input' and '@Output'. These decorators facilitate communication between components. In this post, we'll explore these decorators and learn how to utilize them effectively.

@Input Decorator

The '@Input' decorator is employed to define an input property on a component, enabling the flow of data from a parent component to a child component. By utilizing '@Input', you can bind values to properties within a child component, allowing for dynamic data exchange.

To define an input property, simply add the '@Input()' decorator above the property declaration within the child component. Here's an example:

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'child-component',
  template: `Child Component: {{ childProperty }}`
export class ChildComponent {
  @Input() childProperty: string;

Monday, July 3, 2023

Understanding Attributes and Properties in HTML

html attributes and properties

When working with HTML, it's crucial to understand the concepts of attributes and properties.The terms "attribute" and "property" can be confusing in HTML. In the Angular framework, there are concepts called Property Binding and Attribute Binding, and understanding the difference between the two is important.

The main difference between attributes and properties is as follows: attributes are related to HTML, while properties are related to the DOM (Document Object Model). In HTML, we only have attributes, not properties. Similarly, in the DOM, we only have properties, not attributes.

Attributes in HTML:

Attributes are characteristics or metadata that we assign to HTML elements. They provide additional information about an element, defining its behavior, appearance, or specific details. Attributes are placed within the opening tag of an element and are written as name-value pairs. The attribute name represents its purpose, while the value specifies the particular setting.

Example of an attribute:
<a href="">Click here</a>

In the above example, the "href" attribute is used to define the destination of the hyperlink. The attribute value is set to "" indicating the URL the link should navigate to.

Properties in HTML:

Properties, on the other hand, are characteristics of HTML elements that can be accessed and manipulated using JavaScript. Unlike attributes, properties are part of the Document Object Model (DOM), which represents the web page as a structured tree of objects. Properties enable developers to dynamically modify element behavior and content through scripting.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Angular - Understanding the Attribute Binding

Angular attribute binding

Angular, a robust JavaScript framework, empowers developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. Among its key features, attribute binding stands out, enabling the manipulation of HTML attributes within Angular components. In this blog post, we'll dive into AnAngulargular attribute binding, exploring its usage, syntax, and practical applications.

Understanding Attribute Binding:

Attribute binding in Angular provides a means to dynamically set or update attribute values of HTML elements. It allows for the binding of component properties to HTML attributes, enhancing application flexibility and responsiveness. Attribute binding works with any HTML attribute, including standard ones like 'src', 'href', and 'disabled', as well as custom attributes.

Syntax and Usage:

Attribute binding syntax resembles property binding, but instead of an element property between brackets, you precede the name of the attribute with the prefix attr, followed by a dot.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Angular - Simplifying Data Flow in Angular Applications with Property Binding

Angular property binding

Property binding in Angular application allows developers to establish a connection between the properties of HTML elements and the data in a component, enabling smooth data flow and dynamic updates within an Angular application. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Angular property binding, its syntax, and how it can enhance your development workflow.

Understanding Property Binding:

Property binding in Angular enables you to bind data from a component to properties of HTML elements, such as attributes, properties, and events. It offers a convenient way to update these properties dynamically based on changes in the component's data.

With property binding, you can create interactive and responsive applications by passing data between components and templates. This bidirectional flow allows you to manipulate data in the component and instantly reflect the changes in the template.

Syntax and Usage:

To use property binding in Angular, you enclose the desired property within square brackets ('[]') on the HTML element. The expression within the brackets is evaluated and assigned to the specified property. Let's look at a simple example:

<input [value]="name">

In the above example, we bind the 'value' property of the 'input' element to a property named 'name' in the component. Whenever the 'name' property in the component changes, the corresponding value in the input field is automatically updated.

You can also bind to other properties like 'src', 'href', 'disabled', and more. Property binding is not limited to HTML attributes alone; you can also bind to properties of custom Angular directives and components.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Angular CLI and Essential Commands for Efficient Development

Angular CLI and Essential Commands

Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that aids in the streamlining of Angular development by automating various tasks and providing a standardized project structure. In this post, we will explore the Angular CLI and highlight some of the most useful commands that can enhance your productivity as an Angular developer.

  1. Installation: To begin using Angular CLI, ensure that you have Node.js installed on your system. Once Node.js is installed, open your terminal or command prompt and execute the following command to install Angular CLI globally:
    npm install -g @angular/cli
    This command installs the CLI tool globally, making it accessible as a command-line tool.
  2. Creating a New Angular Project: Angular CLI simplifies project creation through a straightforward command. To create a new Angular project, navigate to your desired directory in the terminal and execute the following command:
    ng new my-angular-app
    This command generates a new Angular project named "my-angular-app" and sets up the necessary files and dependencies.
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