Angular, a robust web application framework, offers developers a vast array of tools and features to boost productivity. One such feature is the @ViewChild decorator, which facilitates the access of child components, directives, or DOM elements within Angular components. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of @ViewChild and delve into its practical applications for interacting with child elements and components in your Angular applications.
Understanding @ViewChild:
The @ViewChild decorator enables developers to obtain references to child components, directives, or DOM elements residing within the template of a parent component. It grants access to properties and methods of the child component, facilitates interaction with the child directive, and allows direct manipulation of the DOM element.
The syntax for implementing the
@ViewChild decorator is as follows:
@ViewChild(selector, options) propertyName: Type;
- The selector represents the CSS selector or component class used to identify the child element/component.
- The options parameter is optional and allows for the specification of additional view query options.
Example 1: Accessing a Child Component
Let's consider a scenario where we have a parent component, ParentComponent, that includes a child component named ChildComponent. To access the child component from the parent component, we can utilize the @ViewChild decorator as illustrated below: