Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to pass table as parameter in stored procedures in SQL Server (Table-Valued Parameters)

In this post I will explain how to pass table as parameter in stored procedure with example.
Table-Valued Parameters is a new feature of Microsoft SQL Server 2008. In earlier versions of SQL Server it is not possible to pass table variable in store procedure as parameter. You can use Table-Valued Parameter to send multiple rows of data to a stored procedure or a function without creating a temporary table or passing so many parameters.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Maintain div scroll position on postback

Sometimes we need to maintain the div scroll position on page postbacks. Here is how you can do it using JavaScript and Cookies.

Here I am simple using the cookie for store the current scroll position of div before postback and then set the div scroll position by reading the cookie which I nave stored in browser on page postback.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Get the list of all HttpModules in ASP.Net

Here I will give you a quick trick to get the list of all active HttpModules at runtime. We can get all the HttpModules from web.config or from machine.config file. But, If we want this at runtime then we can do this with the help of HttpApplication and HttpModuleCollection class. Below is the code snippet for getting the list of all active  HttpModules

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Find the child element position inside the parent element using Jquery/Java Script

In this post I will explain how to find the child element position inside the parent element using jquery/java script.

Let's start, I have two div elements one is parent div and other is child div and a label to show the output.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How to pass ASP.NET server side array to client side

In ASP.Net , this is a very often requirement to pass the server side array to client side and access them using java script. It this post I am describing the simplest way to pass the server side array to client side. Here I will show you two things, one is how to pass the server side array to client side and bind that array to empty "htmldropdown" list.
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