Saturday, May 6, 2023

Default values for lambda expressions - C#12

In C#12, you can now define default values for parameters on lambda expressions. The syntax and rules are the same as adding default values for arguments to any method or local function.For example:

var addWithDefault = (int addTo = 2) => addTo + 1;
addWithDefault(); // 3
addWithDefault(5); // 6

Prior to C# 12 you needed to use a local function or the unwieldy DefaultParameterValue from the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace to provide a default value for lambda expression parameters.

Using directives for additional types - C#12

C# 12 extends using directive support to any type.Now you can use the using alias directive to alias any type, not just named types. That means you can create semantic aliases for tuple types, array types, pointer types, or other unsafe types. Below are few examples :

using Measurement = (string, int);
using PathOfPoints = int[];
using DatabaseInt = int?;

You can now alias almost any type. You can alias nullable value types, although you cannot alias nullable reference types.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Primary Constructor - C# 12

Primary constructor allows you to add parameters to calss declaration itself and use these values in class body. Promary constructor was introduced for records in C#9. C#12 extends it to all classes and structs.

c sharp primary constructor

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Enable Preview Version In Visual Studio 2022

To enable the preview version in Visual Studio 2022, follow the below steps-

  1. Run the Visual Studio Installer as Adminitrator.
  2. When installer window open, go to More > Update Settings :

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Angular- Event Binding

In Angular, events are handled by using the following syntax-

(event name)="event handler method"

For example-

Above, (click) binds the button click event and onShow() statement calls the onShow() method of a component.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: '',
export class AppComponent {
  onShow() {
    console.log('Show button clicked!');
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