Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

How To- Load ASP.Net User Control Dynamically Using jQuery and Ajax

Here in this post, I am going to explain how to dynamically load the Asp.Net user control using jQuery and Ajax. For loading the user control we will use the Web Method on server side and call that web method through Ajax call using jQuery.

You can also find my other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

So, lets start the example. In this example I have used one aspx page name Demo.aspx and one user control to load on the aspx page DemoUserControl.ascx.

<div style="width:350px">
        <table width="100%">
                    <asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Font-Bold="true" Text="Name"></asp:Label>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                    <asp:Label ID="lblAge" runat="server" Font-Bold="true" Text="Age"></asp:Label>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtAge" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
                <td colspan="2">
                    <asp:Button ID="btnLoadUserControl" runat="server" Text="LoadControl" />
    <fieldset style="width:350px">
        <legend>User Control Content</legend>
        <div id="userControlContent">

In the above aspx page, there are two TextBoxes for capturing the input and one Button to load the user control and show the enterd value.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

C#: Difference between “throw” and “throw ex” in C# .Net Exception

In day to day development, we all are very familiar with Exception  handling. We pretty much all know that we should wrap the code which may cause for any error in try/catch block and do something about error like give a error message to end user. Here I am not going to explain about Exception handling in C#. Instead I am going to talk about a particular aspect of Exception  handling, which is "throw" vs "throw ex".

You can also find my other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server. I am writing this post because I was asked this question recently in a interview and unfortunately I didn't  know the answer. So I am posting this for those guys who uses "throw" and "throw ex" frequently but don't know the differences (not all,some knows).

Difference between “throw” and “throw ex”

Take a look on the below code snippest-
throw ex throw

   //Code which fails and raise the error
catch (Exception ex)
   throw ex;

   //Code which fails and raise the error
catch (Exception ex)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

LINQ- Difference between First and FirstOrDefault- First vs FirstOrDefault

In my previous post Single vs SingleOrDefault, we talk about Single and SingleOrDefault method and difference between these methods. In this post we are going to explore two more extension methods First and FirstOrDefault.

You can find some other useful topics and posts here. Below is a chart explaining about First() and FirstOrDefault(). You can easily differentiate these methods from this chart. I have also given examples of each method.

Monday, August 12, 2013

LINQ- Difference between Single and SingleOrDefault- Single vs SingleOrDefault

In today's development, we all are frequently users of LINQ. So In this post and some incoming posts, I will try to explain about some LINQ's extension methods that seems trivial, but can really helpful to improve your code by making it easier.

Here, In this post I am going to explain you about Single and SingleOrDefault method and difference between these methods.

You can find some other useful topics and posts here. Below is a chart explaining about Single() and SingleOrDefault(). You can easily differentiate these methods from this chart. I have also given examples of each method.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

SQL Server- User Defined Function to Parse HTML- Strip HTML -Without Using Regular Expression

This is a simple tip post. In this post I will show you a user defined function in SQL Server which parse the HTML and retrieve the Text only from it.

In previous posts, I explained Case Sensitive Search in SQL Server, Check Primary Key Existence in Table, Reset Identity Column in SQL Server, Insert Values into Identity column, Identity Column in SQL Server , STUFF Function, LEN Function, UNICODE Function, LEFT Function, CHARINDEX Function, Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued Parameters and some other articles related to SQL ServerASP.Net, C#.

Following UDF takes the HTML as input and returns Text only from it. Please note you need to replace all the single quotes (if any) with two single quote (not double quote) in HTML before passing it as input to function.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How To- Send DataGridView Data in Email in Window Form Application

In my one post I explained you how to Send Grdiview Data in Email. Here I am going to show you how to send DataGridview content in E-mail in window application.

You can also find my other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

First take a look on the below image.
DataGridView with Data

Saturday, June 22, 2013

How To- Bind Data to Gridview using jQuery in ASP.Net

In this post, I am explaining how to bind data to Gridview using jQuery in ASP.Net through Ajax call.

In previous posts, I explained Page Scroll to Top with jQuery, Automatically Refresh Page Using Java Script , How to Create a Textarea Character Counter, Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger, Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script, Calculate Age from Date of Birth Using Java Script, jQuery .toggleClass() example and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.


Gridview Markup
<asp:GridView ID="grdDemo" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Font-Names="Arial"
    Font-Size="10pt" HeaderStyle-BackColor="GrayText" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White" Width="500px">
        <asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" />
        <asp:BoundField DataField="FName" HeaderText="First Name"/>
        <asp:BoundField DataField="LName" HeaderText="Last Name"/>
        <asp:BoundField DataField="Email" HeaderText="E-mail"/>

Monday, June 3, 2013

How To- Import Gmail Contacts in ASP.Net

In this post, I am explaining how can you import the Gmail contacts in your ASP.Net application. For importing Gmail contacts we need some dlls which you can get after download Google Data API and install on your system.

In my previous posts, I explained Export Gridview to PDF in ASP.Net with Image, Send mail in ASP.Net, Convert DataTable into List, Constructor Chainning in C#, Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

Create a new web application and add the reference of following dlls in your application.

Monday, May 27, 2013

How To- Export Gridview to PDF in ASP.Net with Image

In one of my previous articles I explained Export Gridview to PDF in ASP.Net . Here, I am explaining how to export Gridview to PDF which has images and pictures in it.

In my previous posts, I explained Send mail in ASP.Net, Convert DataTable into List, Constructor Chainning in C#, Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

Exporting Gridview to PDF

For exporting the data, I am using the iTextSharp (third party dll) in this post. Download the iTextSharp .
I have following Table which contains the Image Information like Image Name and Image Path.
Export Gridview to PDF in ASP.Net with Image
For exporting images into PDF we need to convert the ImagePath shown in table into its absolute URl. For example, In the above image-

Friday, May 24, 2013

How To- Get Query String Value using Java Script

Query String Value using Java Script
In web application development, we all are well aware of Query String and Its uses. We can easily retrieve the Query String values from URL on server-side, but sometimes we need to find the Query String values from URL on client-side i.e using Java Script. But in Java Script, there is no standard way or function to get the Query String values from URL. So here I am explaining how can you get the Query String values from URL using Java Script.

In previous posts, I explained Page Scroll to Top with jQuery, Automatically Refresh Page Using Java Script , How to Create a Textarea Character Counter, Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger, Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script, Calculate Age from Date of Birth Using Java Script, jQuery .toggleClass() example and some other articles related to jQuery, Java Script etc.

The following Java Script code snippet facilitates you to retrieve the query string key value. You can also pass the default value if the key value is not find. Here is the function-

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

C#- Find Similarity between Two Strings in Percentage

In this post, I am explaining how can you check the similarity between two strings in terms of percentage in  C# ? To check similarity between two strings we have formula by which we can find similarity in %.

In my previous posts, I explained Create Hindi TextBox Using Google Transliteration in ASP.Net, Convert Multipage Tiff file into PDF in ASP.Net using C#, Send mail in ASP.Net, Convert DataTable into List, Constructor Chainning in C#, Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

The formula to check the similarity between two strings in % is-

Thursday, May 16, 2013

ASP.Net- Create Hindi TextBox Using Google Transliteration in ASP.Net

Hindi Textbox in ASp.Net
Here, I am explaining you how to create a hindi textbox in  ASP.Net using  Google Transliteration.Here I am mainly targeting english to hindi transliteration. You can use any language which is supported by Google.

In my previous posts, I explained Send mail in ASP.Net, Convert DataTable into List, Constructor Chainning in C#, Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

To create a Hindi textbox in  ASP.Net using Google Transliteration, you have to add the following script source into your ASPX page.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How To- Convert Multipage Tiff file into PDF in ASP.Net using C#

Multipage Tiff to PDF
Here, I am explaining how to convert a multipage tiff file into PDF file in C#. Sometimes we have a requirement to convert the multipage tiff file into PDF.I am using the iTextSharp (third party dll) for conversion of multipage tiff file into PDF file.

In my previous posts, I explained Send mail in ASP.Net, Convert DataTable into List, Constructor Chainning in C#, Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

Before starting the sample code, First of all download the iTextSharp and add the reference of following dll into your application.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How To- Send mail in ASP.Net using C#, VB.Net

Send Mail in C#
This post is basically for freshers or newbies. In application development sometimes we need to send the mail through our application. Here I am explaining how you can send mail in ASP.Net using C#, VB.Net.

In my previous posts, I explained Convert DataTable into List, Constructor Chainning in C#, Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

The Microsoft .NET framework provides two namespaces, System.Net and System.Net.Sockets for managed implementation of Internet protocols that applications can use to send or receive data over the Internet.We use the SMTP protocol for sending mail in  C# .

Friday, May 3, 2013

How To- Create Zip FIle in ASP.Net Using C#, VB.Net

Zip File in Asp.Net
Here, I am explaining how to Create a zip file in ASp.Net Using C# and VB.Net. We can easily Create Zip Files Archives using DotNetZip Library.

In my previous posts, I explained Convert DataTable into List, Constructor Chainning in C#, Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script and SQL Server.

For creating zip file add the reference of  Ionic.Zip.dll in your application and add following namespace-
using Ionic.Zip;
Place one FileUpload control on aspx page and one button to upload files and create zip file in it's Click Event.
Create Zip File in ASP.Net

Thursday, May 2, 2013

SQL Server- Case Sensitive Search in SQL Server

Case Sensitive Search in SQL Server
Today I was working on text search functionality in my application. It was not a very big deal until I had not a requirement for Case Sensitive search functionality. This was new thing (at least for me). I Googled it and find number of search results with same solution. So here I am just adding one more search result for Google.

In previous posts, I explained Check Primary Key Existence in Table, Reset Identity Column in SQL Server, Insert Values into Identity column, Identity Column in SQL Server , STUFF Function, LEN Function, UNICODE Function, LEFT Function, CHARINDEX Function, Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued Parameters and some other articles related to SQL ServerASP.Net, C#.

In  SQL Server ,  Installation by default are case insensitive .This means that SQL Server ignores the case of the characters and treats the string 'Dot Net World' equal to the string 'dot net world'.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How To- Convert Data Table into List

DataTable To List
Recently I have posted an article Convert a Generic List to a Datatable. Today I am explaining here the reverse way of my previous article i.e conversion of DataTable into List.

You may also like these posts Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C#Partial Methods, Contextual KeywordC# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net and SQL Server.

 So Lets start the conversion of DataTable into List. First of all add the following namespaces-

Thursday, April 25, 2013

C#- Constructor Chaining in C#

Constructor Chaining
In this post, I am explaining about Constructor Chaining in  C#. I konw this will be taken for granted for those of us who have been working with  C# for a while now but may be a newbie will find this helpful.

In my previous posts, I explained Convert a Generic List to a Datatable, Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C# and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net jQuery, Java Script. and SQL Server.

What is Constructor Chaining? 

Constructor chaining is an approch where a constructor calls another contructor in the same class or base class.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How To- Validate Numeric Values only in TextBox using Java Script/jQuery

In this post, I will explain how to validate user to enter only numeric values in TextBox using jQueryJava Script.

In previous posts, I explained Page Scroll to Top with jQuery, Automatically Refresh Page Using Java Script , How to Create a Textarea Character Counter, Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger, Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script, Calculate Age from Date of Birth Using Java Script, jQuery .toggleClass() example and some other articles related to jQuery, Java Script etc.

To validate numeric values in TextBox, we need to write the following jQuery or Java Script function.

How To- Convert a Generic List to a Datatable

Today when I was working I my project, I need to convert the List into a DataTable for some reasons. I goggled it and get some solutions for this. But I get a very good solution Here.So I am posting that solution for my readers.

In my previous posts, I explained Get Property Names using Reflection in C#Hard drive information using C#Create Directory/Folder using C#Check Internet Connection using C#SQL Server Database BackUp using C#Partial Methods, Contextual KeywordC# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#ASP.Net and SQL Server.

Here,I have not constrained reference type or value type only. We need to take care of both the cases while converting List to DataTable as the underlying type can be both value or reference type.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blogger- Adding Floating Facebook Like Box into Blogger Blog

In my post Adding Facebook Like Box into Blogger Blog, I explained you how you can add Facebook Like box in your blogger blog. This post is the refined version of my previous post. Here I will show you how you can add floating Facebook Like box into you blogger blog.

You can find some more articles related to Blogging, SQL ServerASP.Net, C# and many more. To add floating Facebook like box follow the below procedures.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How To- Get Property Names using Reflection in C#

In this post, I will show you how you can get the name of all properties using Reflection in C#.

In my previous posts, I explained Hard drive information using C#, Create Directory/Folder using C#, Check Internet Connection using C#, SQL Server Database BackUp using C#, Partial Methods, Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server.


Get Property Names-

To get the name of properties of a specific type use Type.GetProper­ties method. This method returns the array of PropertyInfo object. From this object you can find the name of property through PropertyInfo.Name property.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

How To- Check Primary Key Exists or not in Table

This is a simple tip post that may seem obvious and taken for granted for those of us who have been working with SQL Server for a while now but may be a newbie will find this helpful.

Here, I will give you a simple tip to check that primary is exists or not in table.

You can find some other articles and tips related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server in this blog.

Friday, April 12, 2013

How To- Get System Information using C#.

Here, I am going to explain you how to get the system information like OS information, Processor information etc using C#.

In my previous posts, I explained Hard drive information using C#, Create Directory/Folder using C#, Check Internet Connection using C#, SQL Server Database BackUp using C#, Partial Methods, Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server .

For retrieving system information, we will use System.Management namespace.Using this namespace we can get lot of information about the system. For using this namespace follow the steps given below.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How To- Get hard drive information using C#

In this post, I will explain how to get the hard dive information of your system using C#.

In my previous posts, I explained Create Directory/Folder using C#, Check Internet Connection using C#, SQL Server Database BackUp using C#, Partial Methods, Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server .

TO get the hard drive information first we need to add the following namespace.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ASP.Net- Creating Directory in C# | Creating Folder in C#

In this post, I will explain how to create , delete directory or folder using C#.

In my previous posts, I explained Check Internet Connection using C#, SQL Server Database BackUp using C#, Partial Methods, Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server .

For creating, deleting directory using C#, First of all you will have to add the following namespace in your code file.

SQl Server- Reset Identity Column in SQL Server

If you deleted all the records from the table and there is an Identity column in your table, You will see that when you insert a new record in your table then Identity column value starts from the last value of that column incremented by your step value.

If you want to start the Identity column value from the seed value after deleting all the record then you must have reset the Identity column value. Here, I am going to show you that how you can reset Identity column value in SQL Server?.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Blogger- Adding Facebook Like Box into Blogger Blog

Promoting your blog or web site, Facebook page is a great way. Facebook like box is a widely used social plugin from Facebook developers. Facebook like box helps your visitors to become a regular reader just by clicking a "Like" button. So this like box can increase number of your Facebook fans.

Here I will show you how you can add Facebook Like box into you blogger blog.

You can find some more articles related to Blogging, SQL ServerASP.Net, C# and many more. To add the Facebook like box follow the below procedure.

Friday, April 5, 2013

SQL Server- Insert Values into Identity column

In my previous post Identity Column in SQL Server , I explained about Identity column and how you can create Identity column in table.In this post , I am going to show you that how you can insert values into Identity column.

In previous posts, I explained STUFF Function, LEN Function, UNICODE Function, LEFT Function, CHARINDEX Function, CHAR Function, ASCII Function, Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued Parameters and some other articles related to SQL ServerASP.Net, C#.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Creating Extension Method for Enumerated Type

In C#, you can extend the functionality of  Enumerated type by  using extension method same as for other types. Here , I will show you a simple example of creating extension method for Enumerated  type.

In my previous posts, I explained Check Internet Connection using C#, SQL Server Database BackUp using C#, Partial Methods, Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server .

Below, I have created an extension method for DayofWeek enumarated type.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Check Internet Connection availability in ASP. Net

Here I will show you a simple tip for checking internet connection availability in ASP.Net using C#.

In my previous posts, I explained SQL Server Database BackUp using C#, Partial Methods, Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server .

To check the internet connection availability in ASP.Net using C# , you have to write the following code-

Monday, April 1, 2013

SQl Server- Identity Column in SQL Server

In this post, I will explain about the IDENTITY column into table in SQL Server.

In my previous posts, I explained STUFF Function, LEN Function, UNICODE Function, LEFT Function, CHARINDEX Function, CHAR Function, ASCII Function, Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued Parameters and some other articles related to SQL Server. 


Identity Column

IDENTITY column is an auto incrementing column provided by SQL Server. SQL Server will take care of incrementing this column automatically.This is much like an AutoNumber field in Microsoft Access or a sequence in Oracle.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

jQuery- Page Scroll to Top with jQuery | How to add Page Scroll to Top in web page

In some websites, you can see that when you scroll the page there is a link at the bottom of the page with text "Scroll to Top" and when you click on this link page moves to the top of the page. If you web page has lots of content, It is a very good idea to provide visitors within a easy way to quickly go to the top of the page.

In this article, we will create a page scrolling effect for returning to the top of the page using jQuery.

In previous posts, I explained Automatically Refresh Page Using Java Script , How to Create a Textarea Character Counter, Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger, Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script, Calculate Age from Date of Birth Using Java Script, jQuery .toggleClass() example and some other articles related to jQuery, Java Script etc.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Automatically Refresh Page Using Java Script

In game sites, you will have to see that they updated the score in regular time intervals automatically. i.e refreshed the score card in regular time intervals. Are you want this functionality in your web page? If yes then this post will help you.
Here I am going to show you a simple example to refresh the page automatically in regular intervals using Java Script or Meta Tag.

In previous posts, I explained How to Create a Textarea Character Counter, Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger, Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script, Calculate Age from Date of Birth Using Java Script, jQuery .toggleClass() example, jQuery Draggable Div Example in ASP.Net and some other articles related to jQuery, Java Script etc.

Friday, March 15, 2013

How to Create a Textarea Character Counter / Limiter Using jQuery

Are you need to limit the number of characters that are allowed to be inserted into Textbox or Textarea? You have seen in various sites(mostly sms sites like way2sms, 160by2) where you can type only a fix number of characters into textbox. Here, I am going to show you a simple jQuery snippet that you can use to achieve this functionality.

In previous posts, I explained Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger, Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script, Calculate Age from Date of Birth Using Java Script, jQuery .toggleClass() example, jQuery Draggable Div Example in ASP.Net, jQuery Resizable Div Example in ASP.Netand some other articles related to jQuery, Java Script etc.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SQL Server STR Function

In this post , I will explain the STR function of SQL Server of string functions category.
In my previous posts, I explained SPACE, SUBSTRING, UPPER, STUFF, LEN and other string functions of  SQL Server. You can also find some other articles related to SQL Server.

Here, I am going to explain STR function of SQL Server.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Export Gridview to PDF in ASP.Net

In web development, Gridview is the most frequently used control for data display in ASP.Net. Sometimes we have a requirement to export the Gridview data into PDF file. Here, I am show you how to export Gridview data into PDF file?.

In this post , I am not concerning the formatting of data into PDF. For exporting the data, I am using the iTextSharp (third party dll) in this post.

Monday, March 11, 2013

SPACE Function in SQL Server

In this post , I will explain the SPACE function of SQL Server of string functions category.
In my previous posts, I explained SUBSTRING, UPPER, STUFF, LEN and other string functions of  SQL Server. You can also find some other articles related to SQL Server.

Here, I am going to explain SPACE function of SQL Server.

Restore SQL Server Database Using C#

In previous post SQL Server Database BackUp using C#, I explained how to take backup of SQL Server  database using C#.  Today I am going to describe how to restore SQL Server database backup programatically using C# and SQL Server Management Objects (SMO).

You can also check more articles related to C#, ASP.Net , SQL Server and others.

SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) is a collection of objects that are designed for programming all aspects of managing Microsoft SQL Server.

Friday, March 8, 2013

SQL Server Database BackUp using C#

There are various ways to take the SQL Server database backup. You can take the database backup using SQL Server backup wizard or using SQL Server BackUp Database statement. Here I am going to describe how to take the SQL Server database backup programatically using C# and SQL Server Management Objects (SMO).

In my previous posts, I explained Partial Methods,Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#, ASP.Net and SQL Server .

SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) is a collection of objects that are designed for programming all aspects of managing Microsoft SQL Server.

SQL Server LOWER Function

In this post , I will explain the LOWER function of SQL Server of string functions category.
In my previous posts, I explained STUFF Function, LEN Function, UNICODE Function, LEFT Function, CHARINDEX Function, CHAR Function, ASCII Function, Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued Parameters and some other articles related to SQL Server.

Here, I am going to explain LOWER function of SQL Server.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

C# Anonymous Method

In C# 2.0, a new language feature has been introduced called Anonymous Method, which are similar to delegates, but requires less code. Creating anonymous methods is essentially a way to pass a code block as a delegate parameter.Here , I will try to explain the Anonymous Method with some simple examples.
In my previous posts, I explained Partial Methods,Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#.

SQL Server SUBSTRING Function

In this post , I will explain the SUBSTRING function of SQL Server of string functions category.
In my previous posts, I explained UPPER Function, STUFF Function, LEN Function, UNICODE Function, LEFT Function, CHARINDEX Function, CHAR Function, ASCII Function and some other articles related to SQL Server.

Here, I am going to explain SUBSTRING function of SQL Server.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger

One of my friend ask me sliding "Recent Post Widget For Blogger". I have searched for this in Google and I found some interesting codes for sliding recent post widget. Here I am sharing one of them, which I have also used in my blog.

In previous posts, I explained Calculate age using java scriptjQuery .toggleClass() example, jQuery Draggable Div Example in ASP.Net, jQuery Resizable Div Example in ASP.Net, Drag and drop HTML list item with in list using jQuery, jQuery Magnifier Example an other article related to jQuery and Java Script.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script

In many web sites, you will have to see that when user types into text box then input text converts into Upper case automatically even if you type in lower case. Here I am going to show you a simple example how can we do this using java script.

In previous posts, I explained Calculate age using java scriptjQuery .toggleClass() example, jQuery Draggable Div Example in ASP.Net, jQuery Resizable Div Example in ASP.Net, Drag and drop HTML list item with in list using jQuery, jQuery Magnifier Example an other article related to jQuery and Java Script.

Here, I will show you a simple example of  converting the input value in to uppercase using jQuery in ASP.Net.

^ Scroll to Top