Friday, March 8, 2013

SQL Server LOWER Function

In this post , I will explain the LOWER function of SQL Server of string functions category.
In my previous posts, I explained STUFF Function, LEN Function, UNICODE Function, LEFT Function, CHARINDEX Function, CHAR Function, ASCII Function, Simple script to backup all SQL Server databases, Table-Valued Parameters and some other articles related to SQL Server.

Here, I am going to explain LOWER function of SQL Server.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

C# Anonymous Method

In C# 2.0, a new language feature has been introduced called Anonymous Method, which are similar to delegates, but requires less code. Creating anonymous methods is essentially a way to pass a code block as a delegate parameter.Here , I will try to explain the Anonymous Method with some simple examples.
In my previous posts, I explained Partial Methods,Contextual Keyword, C# Static Methods and some other articles related to C#.

SQL Server SUBSTRING Function

In this post , I will explain the SUBSTRING function of SQL Server of string functions category.
In my previous posts, I explained UPPER Function, STUFF Function, LEN Function, UNICODE Function, LEFT Function, CHARINDEX Function, CHAR Function, ASCII Function and some other articles related to SQL Server.

Here, I am going to explain SUBSTRING function of SQL Server.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Animated Sliding Recent Post Widget For Blogger

One of my friend ask me sliding "Recent Post Widget For Blogger". I have searched for this in Google and I found some interesting codes for sliding recent post widget. Here I am sharing one of them, which I have also used in my blog.

In previous posts, I explained Calculate age using java scriptjQuery .toggleClass() example, jQuery Draggable Div Example in ASP.Net, jQuery Resizable Div Example in ASP.Net, Drag and drop HTML list item with in list using jQuery, jQuery Magnifier Example an other article related to jQuery and Java Script.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Change Input to Upper Case using Java Script

In many web sites, you will have to see that when user types into text box then input text converts into Upper case automatically even if you type in lower case. Here I am going to show you a simple example how can we do this using java script.

In previous posts, I explained Calculate age using java scriptjQuery .toggleClass() example, jQuery Draggable Div Example in ASP.Net, jQuery Resizable Div Example in ASP.Net, Drag and drop HTML list item with in list using jQuery, jQuery Magnifier Example an other article related to jQuery and Java Script.

Here, I will show you a simple example of  converting the input value in to uppercase using jQuery in ASP.Net.

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